Ndemam dengue pada anak pdf

Dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever 1 dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever information for health care practitioners dengue is a mosquitoborne disease caused by any one of four closely related dengue viruses denv1, 2, 3, and 4. Abdul moeloek demam berdarah dengue dbd merupakan penyakit demam akut yang ditandai dengan demam akut selama 2 sampai dengan 7 hari, kadangkadang bersifat bifasik, disertai dengan manifestasi perdarahan dan dapat menimbulkan syok serta kematian. Peak transmission occurs during the rainy season, may through november. Virus dengue berada dlm tubuh nyamuk sepanjang hidup dbd pada umumnya menyerang anak anak. Dengue presents the most uptodate overview of the field, encompassing various aspects of epidemiology, virus research, clinical management of the disease, pathogenesis, vector control and diagnosis. This present case was a case of a four year old girl referred to department of pediatric dentistry universitas indonesia after having a labioplasty. The philippines has confirmed dengue cases nationally, with recent cases reported from iloilo, central visayas, and cebu province. Most of waste pickers in waste goods pool refuse fogging, 3m programme and abatization, so that dhf outbreak occurs in that area every year. Over 80% of the dengue burden derived from dengue fever cases. T enggara, anak anak yang divaksinasi pada usia 611 tahun memiliki risiko lebih tinggi untuk rawat inap karena demam berdarah dibandingkan dengan kontrol yang tidak divaksinasi walaupun temuan. Blood picture if a patient is suspected to be having dengue, the doctor may ask the patient to get a blood test done. Dengue was first reported in two of indonesias 29 provinces in 1968. Jan 27, 2016 a program for prevention and control of epidemic dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever in puerto rico and the u. English version mobile app french version mobile app english version pdf download.

Platelets are cells in blood that help to stop bleeding. Adalah istilah umum untuk menyatakan seluruh mekanisme yang digunakan. Manifestasi klinis infeksi virus dengue dapat bersifat asimtomatik, atau dapat berupa demam yang tidak khas, demam dengue, demam berdarah dengue atau sindrom syok dengue ssd. Spektrum klinis demam berdarah dengue pada anak sari pediatri. Virus dengue memiliki empat jenis serotipe, yang setiap jenis. Dengue is a disease caused by any one of four closely related dengue viruses denv1, denv2, denv3, and denv4. Findings such as reduced platelets or an increase in blood haematocrit makes dengue more likely. Gambaran manifestasi klinis dan laboratorium demam.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik, subjek adalah pasien yang di rawat di. Demam berdarah dengue dbd merupakan penyakit endemis di beberapa daerah di dunia. Most of waste pickers in waste goods pool refuse fogging, 3m programme and abatization, so that dhf outbreak occurs in that area every. Aktifitas menggigit biasanya mulai pagi sampai petang hari dengan 2 puncak aktifitas antara.

Primarily a disease of the tropics, dengue fever is caused by a virus caused by a mosquito which prefers to feed on humans and is native to the tropics. The table includes total number of cases reported in the united states, by region and by states, in accordance with the current method of displaying mmwr data. Also for open minded doctors and nurses who believe that there are still a lot to discover apart from what the medical textbooks has published. Dengue bulletin volume 30, 2006 1 changing epidemiology of dengue haemorrhagic fever in indonesia tatty e. Logo tatalaksana perdarahan pada anak nur suryawan, dr, spak, m. A program for prevention and control of epidemic dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever in puerto rico and the u. Knowledge, awareness and practices regarding dengue fever. Dengue fever, a very old disease, has reemerged in the past 20 years with an expanded geographic distribution of both the viruses and the mosquito vectors, increased epidemic activity, the development of hyperendemicity the cocirculation of multiple serotypes, and the emergence of dengue hemorrhagic fever in new geographic regions.

Demam dengue agen penyebab centre for health protection. Pada umumnya pasien mengalami fase demam 27 hari, yang diikuti oleh fase kritis selam 23 hari. When the fever declines, symptoms including persistent vomiting, severe abdominal pain, and difficulty breathing, may develop. Pendahuluan darah dalam sirkulasi berupa cairan keseimbangan yang dinamis antara sistem pembekuan darah dan sistem penghancuran bekuan darah mekanisme hemostasis hemostasis. Because it sometime cause severe joint and muscle pain that feel like bones and breaking where as malaria is a mosquito borne infectious disease of human caused by parasite. Perawatan celah bibir dan langitan pada anak usia 4 tahun. People get dengue from the bite of an infected mosquito. Health experts have known about dengue fever for more than 200 years. Changing epidemiology of dengue haemorrhagic fever in. In this table, provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases. Dengue is a major issue in malaysia as the dramatic emerge of infection. The national incident rate ir increased from 32 cases per 100,000 population in 2000 to 361 cases in 2014, though a temporary reverse trend was observed in 2011 and 2012 fig. Adalah istilah umum untuk menyatakan seluruh mekanisme yang digunakan oleh tubuh untuk melindungi diri terhadap. The world mosquito program in yogyakarta, indonesia is a global notforprofit initiative that is working to protect local communities from mosquitoborne diseases.

Dengue is one of the most common vectorborne diseases in southeast asia,5 and has been ranked as the most important mosquitoborne viral disease with epidemic potential in the world. Singkatnya, demam dengue adalah penyakit endemis di banyak negara di asia tenggara. Yet an effective vaccine or medicine is not yet available, although many attempts are undergoing. Pada karditis ringansedang diberikan asetosal 90100 mgkgbbhari terbagi dalam 46 dosis selama 48 minggu bergantung pada respons klinis. Dengue fever is the worlds most common mosquitoborne disease, giving rise to 390 million cases of viral disease yearly in tropical regions of africa, latin america and asia. Preface t hrough the ages, dengue fever df has been a cause of public health concern in the southeast asia region. Dash regional adviser, vectorborne and neglected tropical diseases control ravbn, and editor, dengue bulletin world health organization regional office for southeast asia new delhi, india. Cases are frequently reported in east java, jakarta, and on bali. Pdf spektrum klinis demam berdarah dengue pada anak. Perilaku pemulung tentang demam berdarah dengue dengan. Tatalaksana perdarahan pada anak linkedin slideshare.

Pengertian demam dengue df dan dbd atau dhf adalah penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh virus dengue dengan manifestasi klinis demam, nyeri otot dan nyeri sendi yang disertai lekopenia, ruam, limfadenopati, trombositopenia dan diathesis hemoragik sudoyo, 2010. It is a viral infection where a human acts as the reservoir while the disease is transmitted by mosquitoes. Bila ada perbaikan, dosis diturunkan bertahap selama 46 minggu berikutnya. Overview annually, june 15 is in fact designated international antidengue day, an event usually unnoticed in the u.

Dengue ppt free download as powerpoint presentation. It takes a week or more for the dengue virus to replicate in the mosquito. Dengue fever frequently asked questions faq for early. Perawatan celah bibir dan langitan pada anak usia 4 tahun cleft lip and cleft palate caused problems in esthetic, swallowing, and spelling. Dengue haemorhagic fever is an endemic disease caused by dengue virus with aedes aegypti as the vector. Dengue fever is an infectious disease carried by mosquitoes and caused by any of four related dengue viruses. Sebagian besar anak dapat dirawat di rumah dengan memberikan nasihat perawatan pada orang tua anak. Definisi demam berdarah atau dengue hemorrhagic fever dhf ialah penyakit demam akut terutama menyerang pada anak anak, dan saat ini cenderung polanya berubah ke orang dewasa. A global strategy on dengue fever and dhf was developed in 1995 and its implementation was bolstered in 1999. Over half of the worlds population resides in areas potentially at risk for dengue transmission, making dengue one. Dengue fever this article was prepared to provide more information about dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever dengue fever warning an april 2011 news article cautioned that the medical sciences national institute of health had warned that this years weather changes could lead to an outbreak of dengue fever. Cook2, gianna gayle herrera amul and akanksha sharma4 1 associate professor and head of the centre for nts studies.

We are also find out the overall awareness of dengue and malaria which is shown in table according to the overall awareness of malaria only 46. How can you keep yourself or children you care for from getting it. The mosquito becomes infected when it bites a person who has dengue virus in their blood. At the same time, the case fatality rate decreased from 0. About 50100 million cases of dengue fever and 500,000 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever dhf, resulting in around 24,000 deaths, are reported annually. During 2010, member countries in the southeast asia region reported 293 868 cases with.

Subsequently, the awareness of variable responses to the infection presenting. Pdf kegawatan demam berdarah dengue dbd yang mengancam nyawa adalah disfungsi sirkulasi atau syok hipovolemik yang disebabkan oleh. Gejala yang ditimbulkan dengan manifestasi perdarahan dan bertendensi menimbulkan shock yang dapat menimbulkan kematian. Dengue fever df is the fastest emerging arboviral infection spread by aedes aegypti mosquitoes with major public health consequences for millions of people around the world, and in particular the southeast asia and asiapacific regions of the world health organization who.

Department of health and human services, public health service, centers for disease control and prevention. Classis dengue acute febrile illness with headache, retroorbital pain, myalgia, arthralgia breakbone fever high fever 57 days second fever for 12 days in 5% patients followed by marked fatigue days to weeks classic dengue 1560% of infections nausea, vomiting, diarrhea 30% macular or maculopapular rash 50. Dengue fever is killing about 25,000 people every year worldwide and it is present. Dengue pronounced as dengee dengue fever is a highly debilitating mosquitoborne disease mostly seen in tropical countries.

Derajat penyakit dbd diklasifikasikan dalam 4 derajat pada setiap derajat sudah. Department of health and human services centers for. Changing epidemiology of dengue haemorrhagic fever in indonesia dengue bulletin volume 30, 2006 5 reports were followed by reports from bandung west java and yogyakarta central java. Demam berdarah dengue dbd dapat menyerang seluruh kelompok usia, khususnya anak anak sehingga diperlukan perhatian lebih pada derajat klinik maupun hasil laboratorium. Understand how to survive dengue fever for you and your love ones. What is dengue and how can you keep from getting it.

Dengue fever is a virus transmitted to humans through bites from the aedes mosquito, a daybiting mosquito. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is characterized by a fever that lasts from 2 to 7 days, with general signs and symptoms consistent with dengue fever. Central council for research in homoeopathy created date. Today dengue has spread to all provinces and is endemic in many large cities and small towns. Dengue dos and donts know more about dos and donts of dengue. Pada karditis berat dengan gagal jantung ditambahkan prednison 2 mgkgbbhari diberikan selama 26 minggu. Sutomo 16, semarang, indonesia bdepartment of internal medicine, slotervaart hospital, department of internal. Dengue fever is common in tropical areas, so take extra precautions if you travel somewhere with this type of climate. Gambaran manifestasi klinis dan laboratorium demam berdarah.

Pada bayi dan anak usia muda mungkin menunjukkan demam yang tidak spesifik, sedangkan pada anak anak yang lebih tua mungkin menunjukkan demam yang lebih ringan atau gejala klasik who,1997. The global distribution and burden of dengue nature. This marks the beginning of a 24 to 48hour period when the smallest blood. Dengue fever frequently asked questions faq for early child. Changing epidemiology of dengue haemorrhagic fever in indonesia. Dengue has been endemic in malaysia since the 1970s, with increasing intensity and magnitude of outbreaks in recent decades. Demam dengue adalah infeksi akut yang dibawa nyamuk yang disebabkan oleh virus dengue. The impact on public health, the population, and health services will be enormous if a vaccine with the reported efficacy is introduced as a complementary tool for dengue prevention and control in the americas. Infection with one serotype of denv provides immunity to that. First seen in asia, africa, and north america in the late 1700s, it was first thought of. Ini ditemukan di wilayah tropis dan sub tropis di seluruh dunia. Pdf demam berdarah dengue pada anak ikm 12 wonoayu. This disease is used to be called break bone fever. Currently, dengue fever causes more illness and death than any other arbovirus disease of humans.

Berikan anak banyak minum dengan air hangat atau larutan oralit untuk mengganti cairan yang hilang akibat demam dan muntah. The dengue burden was highest at the citylevel with a maximum singleyear estimate of 560 dalys per million individuals for 2002. This disease used to be called breakbone fever because it sometimes causes severe joint and muscle pain that feels like bones are breaking. The severity of the disease can be affected by the infecting virus itself and the age, immune status, and genetic predisposition of the person infected. Biasanya nyamuk aedes aegypti betina mencari mangsa pada siang hari. Dengue fever frequently asked questions faq for early child care providers 11 march 2016 general questions about dengue fever 1.

Pada waktu fase ini pasien sudah tidak demam, akan tetapi. Pemilihan terapi cairan untuk demam berdarah dengue. Gambaran manifestasi klinis dan laboratorium demam berdarah dengue dbd di bagian anak rsud dr. Among all the vectorborne viral diseases, the transmission rate of dengue is the fastest in the world. Current and historical conditions indexed list of current and historical nationally notifiable conditions. Health governance and dengue in southeast asia nts report no. Dengue vector control is still considered the most effective way for controlling and preventing the transmission of dengue virus. From the editor s desk dengue feverdengue haemorrhagic fever continued its accelerated pace in the countries of the southeast asia and the western pacific regions of the world health organization who. Dengue outbreak dengue cases have been reported from east jakarta, south jakarta, north jakarta, central jakarta, and thousand islands.

A program for prevention and control of epidemic dengue. Jurnal terapi demam dengue pada anak pdf jurnal doc. Berikut ini adalah download jurnal gratis yang merupakan kumpulan file dari berbagi sumber tentang jurnal terapi demam dengue pada anak pdf yang bisa bapakibu gunakan dan diunduh secara gratis dengan menekan tombol download biru dibawah ini. Dengue virus infection is increasingly recognized as one of the worlds emerging infectious diseases. Alasankeluhan yang menonjol pada pasien demam berdarah. Dengue fever this article was prepared to provide more. Dengue occurs nationally and yearround in the philippines. Dengue fever is an infectious disease caused by mosquito bite and caused by any of four related dengue virus. Dengue occurs yearround in indonesia, with peak transmission in the rainy season, from november through april. Dengue untuk datang ke rumah sakit adalah panas tinggi dan anak lemah. Karakteristik demam berdarah dengue pada anak di rumah sakit.

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